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ITC Daily Schedule with links

Updated: Jan 23

Subject to change, particularly if the class is staggered. Please refer to the daily blog posts for the most up-to-date information. As always, please let me know any questions, suggestions, or corrections. Updated 24/01/23.

Every day –

Daily post (“1 Month, Weekday”*)

New posts including instructions, updates, resources, etc

Links for meetings

*Note that Monday’s posts include course outlines.

Click here to watch the ITC playlist on Youtube (videos are individually linked below).

Submit: Progress email including updates and questions

Day 1 – Monday

9am – study group

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On the lab site:

Welcome to lab class

“Welcome to the lab,” video

Welcome to ITC

Course outline, embedded

“ITC: Welcome and course outline,” video

"Intro to ITC," slides

"ITC FAQ," post

Assignment Criteria

"Assignment Criteria," PDF

"must read re: assignment checks," post

Week 1 Test Preparation

guide to ECampus tests, video

Modules 1 & 2: Operating systems, software, hardware

"intro to hardware and software," video and slides

“Windows 10/11 Tour,” video

“Browser vs Desktop Office,” video

“online office: missing features,” post

“Understanding Operating Systems, Windows 10 Basics, and File System,” PDF

“Customizing your Windows 10 Environment,” PDF

Submit: In today’s progress email, let me know if you will be away at all during the next two weeks; what type of computer you are using – particularly if you are using a Mac or Chromebook; and any questions about the outline or this schedule.

Day 2 – Tuesday

9am – study group

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On the lab site:

Module 3: Introduction to MS Office, MS Word

"Intro to Office," video

Office screen components, video

"Word Chapter 1," video & slides

"Intro to Word," video (a demo of the tools and a tour of the program)

“Creating Documents with Microsoft Word 2016,” PDF

“ITC: Assignment 1 Word demo,” video

Suggested: Select your case study (newsletter or flyer) for Assignment 1 (Word). This assignment is due the final day of class before 4pm. Please upload to ECampus as a .docx. If you have time today, begin the Excel content listed for Wednesday.

Submit: In today’s progress email, include any questions you have.

Day 3 – Wednesday

9am – study group

Midmorning – quiz review – fill in study guide first

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On the lab site:

Modules 4 & 5: Introduction to MS Excel, MS PowerPoint

"Intro to Excel," video (demo + tour)

“Creating Documents with Microsoft Excel 2016,” PDF

“ITC: Excel assignment 2 demo,” video

“Intro to Computers: Excel ‘Inventory’ demo,” video

"Intro to PowerPoint," video (demo + tour)

"object insertion and formatting in Office," video & slides

“Creating Documents with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016,” PDF

“ITC: Assignment 3 PowerPoint demo,” video

inserting audio, video

indents & paragraph levels, video

Suggested: Select your case studies for Assignments 2 and 3. These assignments are due the final day of class before 4pm. Please upload to ECampus as a .xlsx and .pptx respectively. You will have time next week to keep working on the assignments.

Submit: In today’s progress email, include any questions you have.

Day 4 – Thursday

9am – quizzes using the LockDown Browser

After quizzes – study group

Midmorning – exam review – fill in study guide beforehand

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On ECampus:

ITC4 course page > scroll down to "Texts & Exams"

Quiz 1

Quiz 2

Suggested: Complete or re-watch videos from Modules 1-5.

Submit: In today’s progress email, let me know how you felt about the quizzes and whether you’d like the results discussed in class.

Day 5 – Friday

9am – exam using the LockDown Browser

After exam – study group

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On ECampus:

ITC4 course page > scroll down to "Texts & Exams"

Quiz 1 and 2 rewrites if desired

Exam 1

Suggested: Re-watch assignment demo videos and begin assignments.

Submit: In today’s progress email, let me know how you felt about the exam and whether you’d like the results discussed in class.

Day 6 – Monday

9am – study group

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On the lab site:

Week 2 Test Preparation

Downloadable study guide for all tests (it's the same as last week)

Modules 6 & 7: Internet history and navigation

Intro to the Internet,” video

“Web Browsers and the Internet: An Overview,” PDF

“Navigating the Internet,” PDF

Suggested: Complete a draft of whichever assignment about which you feel most confident. Remember to join me in office hour if you would like me to review your work with you prior to submission.

Submit: In today’s progress email, include any questions you have.

Day 7 – Tuesday

9am – study group

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

On the lab site:

Modules 7 & 8: Introduction to email and computer safety

"the email video," video and slides

“Additional Internet Services,” PDF

“Protecting Computers,” PDF

Suggested: Complete a draft of a second assignment.

Submit: In today’s progress email, include any questions you have.

Day 8 – Wednesday

9am – study group

Midmorning – quiz review – fill in study guide first

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

Suggested: Review assignment resources as needed. Complete a draft your final assignment.

Submit: In today’s progress email, include any questions you have.

Day 9 – Thursday

9am – quizzes using the LockDown Browser

After quizzes: study group

Midmorning – exam review – fill in study guide beforehand

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

Note: 4pm – deadline to request an extension on Assignments 1, 2, and/or 3. Please refer to the Lab Policies document/Welcome to the Lab video for more detail.

On ECampus:

ITC4 course page > scroll down to "Texts & Exams"

Quiz 3

Quiz 4

Submit: In today’s progress email, let me know how you felt about the exam and whether you’d like the results discussed in class. Also include any extension/accommodation requests.

Day 10 – Friday

9am – exam using the LockDown Browser

After exam – study group

Midmorning – assignment checks, optional, drop-in – email your drafts before the meeting

11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

Note: Please complete feedback on this site and on ECampus.

On ECampus:

ITC4 course page > scroll down to "Texts & Exams"

Quiz 3 and 4 rewrites if desired

Exam 2

Assignment 1 – Word: .docx

Assignment 2 – Excel: .xlsx

Assignment 3 – PowerPoint: .pptx

**If you need assistance, please reach out via email before the deadline. You may submit via email, but I request that you attach all three assignments to one email.


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