The Lab at Vancouver Career College
Career and Employment Strategies (CES)
To create a professional resume and cover letter
To practice looking for jobs, applying, and interviewing
To practice editing and providing feedback on peer work
You will complete daily activities as per the Daily Resource Schedule:
Monday: Master Ad (group if in the same program as peers; solo otherwise)
Tuesday: Resume and Cover Letter first drafts (solo)
Wednesday: Peer Feedback Workshop (group)
Thursday: Resume and Cover Letter second drafts (solo)
Friday: Interview Workshop (group), Resume and Cover Letter final drafts (solo)
You will submit your work daily via email attachment. Please include your name in your file name and submit in .docx format. Do not include personal info you are uncomfortable sharing with the class as your work will be posted in the DropBox for the duration of the course; after, it will be archived for our Practicum Coordinator and Employment Specialist.
This is a pass/fail course. For information about grading, click here.
You can find links to all Lab Class meetings here and in your Teams calendar. For CES, you will join the shared morning meeting for attendance and announcements daily at 8.30 as well as your program meetings linked below. You also have access to daily drop-in office hour to work on assignments with me.
Daily Study Group
Playlist: Job Hunting Tips
Use this playlist, curated by the college, when looking for jobs to apply for.