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Student Success Strategies (SSS), Academic Success Strategies (BC-PRD)




To learn financial skills.

To prepare for university life/the workplace.

To practice important academic skills.


Assignments & Tests


The bulk of these courses is the Enriched Academy Money Myths module, accessible on your My Campus account under Student Resources. ("Click for Enriched Academy Money Myths Module") You must watch the videos, take the little review quizzes, and send me a copy of your certificate when you reach the end of the module. This is a completion course, so you will only receive a grade of Pass or Fail.


When you have completed the videos, you do a citation assignment, which we will discuss further in class. Here are the basics:


- 5 sources on one topic - it can be related to your course or inconsequential, like your favourite animal

- About 500 words on that topic

- A citation page in APA Style

- 2 in-text citations and 1 paraphrase (included in your 500 words)




These courses are all pass/fail. To complete the course, submit your Enriched Academy Certificate and your citation assignment by email by Friday.

Make sure to check out the tour of the writing resources and the tour of the full site (located on the Lectures tab).

Study Skills Videos

Below are playlists on a variety of topics to help you achieve your goals at college. Have an explore and watch the ones you feel will be most of use to you. These playlists are curated by the college.

Playlist: Welcome to College

Playlist: Planning Your Schooling

Playlist: Critical Thinking

Playlist: Finances for Students (Loans etc)

Playlist: Goal Setting

Playlist: Learning Styles

Playlist: Note-taking Tips

Playlist: Studying

Playlist: Creative Problem Solving

Playlist: Reading and Annotating

Playlist: Stress Management

Playlist: Test Taking Skills

Playlist: Time Management

Playlist: Communication

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