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Office Skills (OSK)




To prepare for the workplace by practicing a variety of skills for an office environment, such as filing, presenting, and letter writing.




You must complete ten “in class” assignments, all of which are found in the Assignment Booklet linked below. These can be done digitally or manually (on paper) and scanned. Please submit the completed booklet on or before the last day of the course via email attachment. Instructions and tips are included in the chapter talkthrough videos. Typically, students submit one long Word document. Note a .docx version of the assignment booklet can be found here.


Your final assignment is a presentation which you will make in PowerPoint. Please select a topic relevant to working in an office; check your topic with me before going ahead. Examples are listed in the Presentation Topic Ideas linked below. You may work in groups if preferred and enrolment allows. Presentations are given the second Thursday morning, the penultimate day of the course. See the downloadable grading rubric and accompanying criteria video for further detail.


            If a presentation is totally abhorrent to you, you may complete a research essay instead. Please submit a digital copy, 1.5 spaced, by the final day of the course. You must discuss this option with me as the requirements are different. 




You have one exam. This is written or taken on ECampus and includes multiple choice, short answer, and matching. You will take this on the final Friday of your course unless previously discussed and arranged. ECampus allows four hours to complete the test. You will find your study guides linked below. The Study Guide is a complete breakdown of the exam. "Practice Midterm" and "Practice Final" can be used to self-test.




Your attendance and classwork is worth 10%, so it’s vital that you attend. Please see the “Welcome to the Lab” handout/video for details about attendance.


The bulk of your grade is from the assignment booklet. This is marked manually. You have a possible 100 marks, but will receive minor deductions for errors. Each assignment is worth about 6 points. The booklet is worth 40%. I mark this booklet as "in class" assignments so try not to stress! Lean into the role play when deciding how much time to allot each task.


Your presentation is worth 20%. Please follow the rubric to ensure your best possible marks.


The exam is worth 30%.

Locate your textbook on ECampus.

You will be using Office to complete your assignments. Access the full version of each Office program via your student account.

Prepare for your presentation by practicing sharing your screen.

If you have not already completed MSW or MSE, watch this video to become acquainted with Office.

Assignment-relevant demos are included below, organized by topic. Please let me know if you have any requests for further resources.

Intro to Administration

Citations & Academic Integrity

Information & Project Management

Complete the Filing Rules Study Guide and booklet activity before the second Tuesday of your course, at which point we will review the answers.

Human Relations; Cultural Diversity and International Relations

Management of Work, Time, and Resources; Front-Line Reception

Incoming and Outgoing Mail; Business Communications

Travel Arrangements; Meetings, Events, and Conferences

Office Technology; Web-Based Tools and Security

Organization Structure and Office Layout; Business Commerce and Record-Keeping

Further Resources

Create an account on using any email you like. You'll find some playlists on office tech etc.

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