I have tried to be as thorough as possible with this list - let me know if you find any other features missing from the online freeware. Note that all items below are available in the desktop applications.
Click here for my video about the differences between the freeware and the desktop applications.
note: basic ITC criteria highlighted
Home tab
Justification (left, centre, right, justified): available
Bold, underline, italics: available
Font colours and sizes: available
Tabs and leaders: available
Styles: available but cannot edit or add (see Design tab)
Find: available
Replace: available only in Editing mode
Theme: unavailable
Page background, watermarks: unavailable
Insert tab
Images: available
Screenshots: must be taken with OS
Tables: limited
Shapes, Smart Art, Charts, textboxes, WordArt: unavailable
Draw tab
Layout tab
Columns: unavailable
Footer, header: available
Alignment, group, rotate: unavailable
Send back or forward: unavailable
References tab
Table of contents: cannot insert or delete, only update
Footnotes, endnotes: available
Captions: unavailable
Table of figures: unavailable
Citations, bibliography, index: placeholder only
Mailings tab
Review tab
Spellcheck: available
Custom dictionary: unavailable
Thesaurus: unavailable
Read aloud: unavailable; use Immersive Reader on the View tab
Accessibility: available
Translate: available
Language: unavailable
Comments: available
Track changes: visible
Protect: unavailable
LinkedIn resume assistance: unavailable
View tab
Print layout: default
Web layout: unavailable
Outline layout: unavailable
Draft layout: unavailable
Focus: unavailable
Immersive reader: available
Switch modes: unavailable
Ruler: unavailable
Gridlines: unavailable
Navigation pane: limited
Zoom: available
Multipage view: unavailable
New window, switch window, split: unavailable
Tell me feature: unavailable
Password protection: cannot open protected documents
Linked pictures, embedded files: placeholder only - can delete but not edit, resize, move, etc
ActiveX controls, embedded OLE objects, signature line: placeholder only - can delete but not edit, resize, move, etc
note: ITC basic criteria highlighted
OSK presentation criteria also highlighted
Home tab
Create, delete, reorder, or hide slides: available
Copy+paste: available
Font size, colours: available
Justification: available
Bulleted or numbered list: available
Paragraph levels: available
Find: available
Replace: unavailable
Insert tab
New, reuse slides: available
Table: limited
Pictures: available
WordArt: unavailable
Shapes, icons, SmartArt: available
Screenshot: unavailable
3D Models: unavailable
Charts: unavailable
Zoom: unavailable
Text boxes: available
Header: unavailable
Footer: limited
Comments: available
Symbols: available
Audio: uploads only
Video: online videos only
Draw tab
Draw: available
Eraser: limited
Lasso: available
Draw with touchpad: available but moved left on the Ribbon
Pen styles: limited
Ink to shape, math, or text: unavailable
Design tab
Themes: limited, cannot search
Slide background: limited
Slide size: available
Transitions tab
Effects: limited
Effects options: limited
Slide timing: limited
Slide auto-transition: unavailable
Sounds: unavailable
Animations tab
Effects (entrance, emphasis, exit): limited
Effect options: limited
Animation path: unavailable
Animation pane: unavailable
Trigger: unavailable
Animation painter: unavailable
Timings, start, duration: unavailable
Slideshow tab
Play from start: available
Play from current slide: available
Presenter view: unavailable
Custom show: unavailable
Rehearse with coach: available
Set up Slide Show: unavailable
Loop until esc: unavailable
Hide slide: unavailable
Rehearse timings: unavailable
Use timings: unavailable
Record Slide Show: unavailable
Play narrations: unavailable
Subtitles: available
Review tab
Spellcheck and Thesaurus: available
Accessibility: available
Translate: unavailable
Comments: available
Track changes: only if signed in with active account
Read-only, protected files, permissions: unavailable
View tab
Normal view: default
Slide sorter view: available
Slide master view: unavailable
Outline view: unavailable
Presenter view: unavailable
Slide show view: available
Ruler, gridline: unavailable
Password protection: cannot open protected slides
Printing multiple slides per page: unavailable
Tell me feature: unavailable
note: ITC basic criteria highlighted
Font formatting: available
"Paragraph" formatting: available
Wrap text: available
Merge and centre: available
Number display format: available
Conditional formatting:
Format as table: limited
Styles: limited
Insert, delete, format: available
AutoSum: available
Sort & Filter: available
Find, select, replace: available
PivotTable: available
Picture: limited to direct uploads
Shapes: limited
Icons, 3D models, SmartArt, screenshot: unavailable
Sparklines: unavailable
Maps: unavailable
Slicer, timeline: unavailable
Symbols: unavailable
Limited; see PowerPoint
Page Layout
Themes, colours, fonts: unavailable
Margins: unavailable
Orientation: hidden in Page Setup
Size: hidden in Page Setup
Header, footer: unavailable
Print options such as titles, repeated rows, gridlines: unavailable
Print area: unavailable
Breaks: available
Background: unavailable
Print titles: unavailable
Page setup: available
Width and height: unavailable
Gridlines, Headings: unavailable
Formulas tab
Insert function: available
AutoSum: available
Recently used: unavailable
Financial: available
Logical: available
Text: available
Date & Time: available
Lookup & Reference: available
Math & Trig: available
More functions: limited
Name data range: unavailable
Create from selection: unavailable
Trace precedents, dependents: unavailable
Remove arrows: unavailable
Show formulas: available
Error checking: unavailable
Watch window: unavailable
Calculation options, now, and sheet: available
Get data: unavailable
Data from picture: unavailable
Refresh connections: available
Refresh properties: unavailable
Workbook links: available
Data types: available
Sort ascending, descending, custom: available
Filter: limited
Text to columns: unavailable
Flash fill: unavailable
Remove duplicates: unavailable
Data validation, consolidation: unavailable
What-if analysis: unavailable
Group, ungroup: unavailable
Subtotal: unavailable
Analysis tools: unavailable
Spellcheck: available
Thesaurus: unavailable
Workbook statistics: unavailable
Accessibility: available
Smart lookup: unavailable
Translate: unavailable
Comments: available
Notes: available
Protect sheet or workbook: unavailable
Always open read-only, restrict permission: unavailable
Hide ink: unavailable
Normal view: default
Page break preview: unavailable
Page layout: unavailable
Custom views: unavailable
Show ruler: unavailable
Show headings, gridlines, formula bar: available
Zoom: limited
New window: available
Arrange: unavailable
Freeze panes: limited
Switch windows: unavailable
View macros: unavailable
Record macro: unavailable
Use relative references: unavailable