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Keyboarding (KBD)


The benefit of learning to type at home is using your own keyboard, the one with which you are already most familiar. 

     When you work in an office, you may or may not have the option of switching out the provided keyboard with one you prefer, but this usually requires you bring your own keyboard to your workplace.

     If you do not have a classic, deep-key, office-style keyboard at home, you can go to a local thrift store and find one – Value Village usually has several. (Obviously, this advice should be taken with the pandemic safety guidelines!) Like playing an instrument, the keyboard you use to practice with affects how your skills are applied. Your dexterity and precision will develop from familiarity with the keyboard you use, again like playing an instrument, so practice practice practice.

       This course assumes access to the num-pad, or 10-key, extension. This is standard on desktop devices but not laptops. You can purchase the extensions as separate accessories. If you are purchasing a keyboard, look for a 104 key "full size" option.



We use a program called Cirrus by Paradigm. Scroll down to find log-in instructions. This program requires a physical textbook to be collected from your campus prior to the course start date. As a fun supplement, we also use Typing Club. 


in the classroom

While these courses are being taught online, the campus is open to students. If you need or desire, you can make appointments to visit campus and use the computer lab. Our campus computers have Paradigm installed and running as well as having traditional full size keyboards. If you choose to practice or take tests on campus, note that I will not be there.

     Please contact front desk at your local campus to make an appointment.



  • none

  • yes, truly - you are only being graded on your tests



  • Speed & accuracy drills

    • five 3-minute tests, 40% overall

    • three 5-minute tests, 40% overall

    • use multiple attempts until you are happy with your score

    • either taken within Cirrus using the associated textbook, OR

    • taken on Typing Club with prior approval

  • Knowledge quizzes

    • multiple-choice

    • 10, worth 2% each, 20% overall


due date

Please submit your filled in Grades Tracker as an email attachment by Friday at 4pm.


how to track your grades

Paradigm and Typing Club both track your progress, and I can see your results. Enter your best grades from each test in the Grades Tracker Form.


how to interpret your grades

Your score is based on your speed minus your errors. When you take a test, it will provide you with your speed grade (words per minute, or WPM) and your accuracy deduction (errors). To create your score, simply subtract your errors from your WPM. For instance, if you have a speed of 40 but made 5 errors, your score would be 35.

     For each speed category (3 minute and 5 minute) tests, I create an average score from your best attempts. Doubling the average score gives you your percentage score. For example, an average score of 30 gives you 60% in the course, the minimum passing grade.

     Again, the minimum average score to receive a pass for the course is 30WPM. An average of 50WPM will receive 100%.



Cirrus by Paradigm resources:

Cirrus by Paradigm Registration Instructions

When you select your school, choose Vancouver College instead of Vancouver Career College. You will then see my course labeled Baird.

Typing Club and games

Typing Club credentials




no password - leave the field blank


the email is not case sensitive.

To begin, click on the course Typing Jungle. On the right side of the screen, you'll see an icon which looks like a checkmark inside a circle. Click this to begin your placement test. Keep typing until the program assigns your starting point.


There are over 600 lessons - you do not need to complete them all!


Access the tests from the Home page by scrolling down and clicking More tests.

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