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Customer Relations and Interpersonal Skills (B1075R)


To explore healthy, productive methods of Customer Service with a focus on employee empowerment. This is a one-week course. Everything is due Friday at 4pm.



Mystery Shopper assignment - 35%

Response journal - 10% (2% each for five 'daily' entries)


The Mystery Shopper assignment is simple: go to three business (online/over the phone can be acceptable - discuss with me) and interact with a customer service rep. This can be tailored to your program, such as going to a pharmacy. Take notes using the assignment guide, then write up a short summary of your three experiences. Refer to the downloadable Mystery Shopper Assignment Example.


Response journal videos are located via a button (below) on your Courses page. Using the language and ideas from the course, create connections between concepts. This may be written informally and include your opinions, questions, and refutations. You do not need to agree with all points made. You need to produce a minimum of five entries.



Exam - 55%


Taken on the final day of class on ECampus, the exam allows 2.5hours for completion. To prepare, complete the study guide ("Practice Exam") and check your answers Thursday with the Review video.



All ECampus resources have been moved to your Courses page (this page) including a pdf Textbooklet. The textbook on ECampus, Customer Service: A Practical Approach by Elaine Harris, is more recent and more complete than the pdf. There are review questions in the Textbooklet - these are not for marks, but can be an excellent study tool. 

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