Today's meetings
8am - 8.30am: grace period; read daily post, watch videos, and generally prepare for day
8.30am - 9am: all students attendance and announcements meeting
~9am - noon: independant and small group learning time: course-specific study group links
Keyboarding (KBD)
Microsoft Excel (MSE)
Microsoft Word (MSW)
9.30am: MSE chapter 2 (Formulas and Functions!) review & demo (ITC students strongly encouraged to join; MSW students ready for ch 3 also invited)
10.30am: ITC quiz review
11am - noon: office hour - optional, drop-ins
noon - end of class - send daily progress email
Progress email answers etc:
If you would like to view the lab youtube channel, click here.
ITC1: We will be going over the quiz content today. Click here for the week 1 quiz study guide. Click here for week 2.
I have added a short survey to my Feedback tab asking for input on how easily you could access and utilize resources on the lab site. Please take a few minutes to fill it out - it's anonymous. I really appreciate your detailed responses.
If you are unable to access Teams features such as chat and private calls, please see my Teams resources here and join me in office hour for further assistance if needed.
If you would like a Keyboarding account to improve your speed and accuracy, let me know so I can create an account for you. The links etc are on the Keyboarding Courses page. Click "Typing Club" to get started - sign in with your school email; leave the password space blank. If you requested an account in your progress email, your account is ready.
Reminder: send me daily progress emails. Click here for details.
Course-specific instructions:
Continue with Daily Schedule.
Please submit your cover letter and resume drafts if you have not already. Remember this course is pass/fail and based on participation/completion - if you have not sent your drafts, they are overdue. Everything I've received is in the DropBox for you. At 10am, you will be working with your peers to edit your work. Read through each cover letter and resume. Use the examples in the DropBox and resources on the Courses page to guide your feedback.
Read this post about how to workshop and watch the video. I will join you at 10 to help set you up and provide my own feedback.
If needed, watch the video on digital editing in Word and the video on resume formatting in Word.
With your classmates, if you haven't already, please watch the video Cover Letter Guide (on your Courses page) and read its corresponding document in the DropBox. Also read through the tips in this post and this post. Further resources are available in the DropBox and on your Courses page in both written and video formats; see the Suggested Daily Resource Schedule. Watching the videos will give you some perspectives from professionals on what to do or avoid. In particular, I like the advice from Dr Amina Yonis (at the very bottom of your Courses page).
ITC week 1
Today we will review for tomorrow's quizzes. Check the daily schedule for links.
As per the daily schedule, continue using the chapters (1-5: Windows and Office) linked on your Courses page to fill in your week 1 study guide.
If you haven't yet, download the Assignment instructions. Remember you can complete the three assignments in any order; they are due the final day of the course at 4pm. Use the walkthrough demo videos on your Courses page to complete the assignments.
ITC week 2
Continue with study guide 2 and your assignments. Check the blog for the bonus quiz study guide; the answers are embedded in the Talkthrough 6+7 and 8+9 videos. Remember there is a Review video on the Lectures tab which I will assign tomorrow for the final.
Continue with Typing Club and other practice. You do not need to complete all activities in Typing Club - start with the placement exam and then complete as many as you can - prioritize accuracy and the speed will come. I will check in with students achieving lower scores to discuss your extension options etc. (Minimum passing is 30WPM without errors; MLA is aiming for 50WPM.)
Continue with Pearson. Please join me in office hour if you have any activities for which you'd like to discuss the template grade so I can pull up your account and we can go through your file together. Remember the simulations are not for marks and are often fussy. If you are having trouble accessing Pearson, please send me a screenshot. You will have unlimited attempts for the simulations and five for graders/midterms/finals.