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how to workshop for CES

Writer: Caitlin BairdCaitlin Baird


You have two hours, which is 120 minutes. Divide this by how many students are in the course this week (example: 120/6 students = 20 minutes per student). If you're a group that likes tight structure, you can further divide this in two (example: 10 minutes for the cover letter, 10 minutes for the resume). I suggest flexibility, but make sure everyone receives some feedback from everyone else.

Whose turn is it?

To be edited

One student at a time. You can volunteer or go alphabetically.

To speak

Each person should provide at least one comment on each document. You can use a "dissolving round table" style - start with the person who was just edited prior and go down the list with each person giving a piece of feedback until other students have commentary to add, then allow natural conversation.

While you're being edited, allow your classmate's to speak freely - aka, say nothing! A few minutes before the end of your time, it's the subject's turn to ask questions. It's important to allow everyone to comment without the subject's input because employers will not have that benefit of your clarifications etc so the documents need to stand on their own merit. Use your time to take notes on the suggestions given.

Some questions to ask

Remember to include suggestions, compliments, questions, and criticisms. All are valid and useful!

Cover Letter

  1. How would you describe the person writing this letter, assuming you've never met them?

  2. Are the details provided concrete or abstract?

  3. What sense of their experience do you get?

  4. Which experiences shared are most relevant, interesting, impressive?

  5. What sense of their education do you get?

  6. Which details entice you to look at the resume?

  7. Which details are missing? Do you need further clarification?

  8. Are the details given enough to satisfy the NOC requirements for the position?

  9. Does the language/style make sense for the position?

  10. Is jargon used correctly?

  11. Which diction (word choice) is working? Are there places where a different word would be better?

  12. Any grammar issues? Spelling? Mechanics?

  13. Is the basic contact info present?

  14. Does the document follow guidelines suggested in the CES FAQ posts, videos, or other resources assigned?


  1. Does the document look like a partner to the cover letter?

  2. Is it aesthetically pleasing?

  3. How easy is it to parse the different sections?

  4. How quickly can you locate key information?

  5. Is the information complete?

  6. Is the information repetitive?

  7. Does the information satisfy the NOC requirements/Master Ad?

  8. Does the document follow guidelines suggested in the CES FAQ posts, videos, or other resources assigned?


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