Good morning, everyone! Welcome to the lab, or, if you are a returning student, welcome back.
Taking classes online is a learning curve for all of us. I appreciate your efforts and your patience.
Please carefully review this entire post, its embedded videos, and its links as it contains everything you need for your time in lab class.
Remember, this site is the primary location for your course material and for updates from me, so please bookmark it and take time to familiarize yourself with it.
If you're new, start with the Welcome video. Resources mentioned in the video and further details are located on the Policies page.
Please note that there are multiple courses running simultaneously each week in the lab. I will do my best to reduce confusion. Your course material and relevant meetings will be labeled with your course code.
If you have not joined my Teams classroom, please do so by clicking here. I have added all of you using your school credentials (5042****** Let me know immediately if you cannot access Teams or your student account.
Note you need to use your college email account to access full functionality. Once you are a member of the Team, the meetings scheduled for the week will show on your Calendar.
Please reference the Meetings page for direct links to all scheduled meetings; weekly schedules are available here.
Click here for Teams resources.
Please be aware that, with all the updates and changes to college accounts, softwares, etc, some items on this site may be out of date. Please let me know if you find any errors, deadlinks, etc. If you are ever unsure, please email me or message me on Teams. You can assume that this blog will be the most up-to-date information available.
Today's schedule
8am - 8.30am: grace period; read daily post, watch videos, and generally prepare for day
8.30am - 9am: all students attendance and announcements meeting ~9am - noon: independant and small group learning time: course-specific study group links
Microsoft Excel (MSE)
Microsoft Word (MSW)
9am: welcome to ITC! course overview
10am: MSW chapter 3 check-in/review
10.30am: MSE chapter 1 check-in/review
~11am - noon: office hour - optional, drop-ins
noon - end of class - send daily progress email 4pm – deadline for extensions granted last week
*Please refer to this post for the full week's schedule and attendance breakdown
Stay in your study group for the duration of class for attendance tracking, group work where possible, and easy connection with me. Reach out when you need my assistance by, in Teams, clicking the Participants button (two people's heads and shoulders) and typing my name in the Invite field. You can also send me private chats. Join me in office hour if you need/want one-on-one instruction, to look over assignments before submitting, for technical support, etc - it's optional, drop-in, and student-led, first-come-first-serve. At the end of class, send me an email letting me know how you spent your time, questions about your course, the type of device and operating system you are using from home, any absence requests, and any desired accommodations.
Please follow the instructions below and come prepared with your questions. The structure is typically as follows: I go through any important announcements and questions from the previous day's progress emails, take attendance, then answer your questions from the chat, then open it up to conversation.
Okay, so what do you do until 8.30? Well -
If you are new:
access the student success starter pack for resources and policy regarding
academic integrity
student accounts, including ECampus, Teams, and Office
access the welcome to lab class: first day starter kit for resources and policy regarding
Class policies
Daily instruction and updates
This website
Your course
Some important terms:
ECampus = MyCampus = your college LMS
the lab site = this green site
Courses page(s) = on this site, click Courses > your course
a tab = a page on this site accessible from the green menu
program = the subject you are studying at college, the name of the qualification you will receive – examples: ECE, EA, APA, SSW
course = a class, part of your program – examples: CES, ITC, OSK
BC-PRD students, please read this post.
If you are returning:
if you finished a course last week, fill out the Feedback form
don't forget the ECampus feedback as well!
if you're starting a new course, access the Courses page, Daily Schedule, and Welcome video
continue as usual if you're in a two-week course; watch week 2's Monday video
if you need a refresher on policy or your course outline, please refer to the points for new students above