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must read re: assignments for each course

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

I know that it's confusing having multiple simultaneous courses being taught around you. Please ensure you are following material for your course only. The following is a list of items to complete for each course so you can confirm which activities are required. If you are ever unsure, please check with me - I don't want you doing more work than necessary.


Percentage graded; see course outline for details

  1. Mystery Shopper Assignment.

  2. Response Journal.

  3. Final Exam on ECampus.



  1. Monday: master ad exercise.

  2. Tuesday: first drafts of résumé and cover letter.

  3. Wednesday: peer feedback workshop.

  4. Thursday: second drafts, interview prep.

  5. Friday: interview workshop, final drafts of résumé and cover letter.


Percentage graded; see course outline for details

  1. Assignment 1: Word

  2. Assignment 2: Excel

  3. Assignment 3: PowerPoint

  4. Quiz 1

  5. Quiz 2

  6. Midterm Exam

  7. Quiz 3

  8. Quiz 4

  9. Final Exam


Percentage graded; see course outline for details

  1. Complete all 8 tests within Cirrus or Typing Club; record your scores in the tracker form. Remember, to pass you need a minimum average speed of 30. This will get you 60% in the course.


Percentage graded; see course outline for details

  1. Follow your tracker sheet. Fill it in and submit via email. For Word there are 6 activities; for Excel and PowerPoint have 8.


Percentage graded; see course outline for details

  1. Assignment booklet.

  2. Presentation (PowerPoint).

  3. Final Exam on ECampus.



  1. Group presentation.

  2. Presentation response.

  3. Visual "résumé"/professional bio



  1. Citation paper.

  2. Certificate of completion from Enriched Academy.

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