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meeting links and schedule: 21st February - 4th March - evening edition

Writer's picture: Caitlin BairdCaitlin Baird

Updated: Feb 22, 2022

Subject to change. If you have trouble finding meetings in Teams, please bookmark this post for the week. Please note my usual class hours are 8am until noon, so you will see those times on other resources. Please adapt accordingly as below. You are free to take up to 30 minutes of break-time at your own discretion as long as you are present for Reviews and Tests. I track your attendance using Teams.

This course has pre-recorded lectures to allow for adaptability and individual success. Please reach out at any time during study time for assistance or questions about the material. You may work in groups, pairs, or individually, but you must each complete your own assignments. Note I have specific time allotted for assignment checks in the second week; I cannot pre-mark, so if you would like feedback before submission, please utilize these times.

Please refer to the ITC daily schedule with links for a breakdown of daily resources.

Attendance breakdown

Intro to Computers, week 1/2: 21 students


*all underlined links will take you directly to the meeting. Schedule for February events, holidays, and on-campus days is here.

Monday: Family Day

No class


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule

9: class dismissed


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
7-7.40: Quizzes 1&2 Review
7.45: free work time

9: class dismissed


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements; Quizzes 1&2 on ECampus (<=30min each) - quiz room
when completed: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
7: Exam 1 Review
7.45: free study time

9: class dismissed


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements; Exam 1 on ECampus (<=1.5hr) - exam room
when completed: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule

9: class dismissed



5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
6.30-7.30: assignment assistance, drop-in, optional

9: class dismissed


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
6.30-7.30: assignment assistance, drop-in, optional

9: class dismissed


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
7-7.40: Quizzes 3&4 Review
7.45: free work time

9: class dismissed


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements; Quizzes 3&4 on ECampus (<=30min each) - quiz room
when completed: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
7: Exam 2 Review
7.45: free study time

9: class dismissed
deadline to request an extension for coursework due Friday – progress email


5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements; Exam 2 on ECampus (<=1.5hr) - exam room
when completed: Provide course feedback
when completed: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule
6.30-8.30: assignment assistance, drop-in, optional

9: class dismissed - thanks for hanging out with me!
Midnight – deadline for all coursework (three assignments - Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - please upload to ECampus

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