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meeting attendance is mandatory

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Just a reminder that, as per Policy, you are responsible for attending all meetings. Office hours are the only optional meetings.

As a refresher:
  • every day I manually enter your attendance

  • every day you can earn four points (one per class hour)

  • you earn four points during the morning meeting

  • you are expected to be on camera during meetings

  • after failure to submit multiple progress emails, points are subtracted

  • failure to attend scheduled course meetings also deducts points

  • my deductions are cumulative and stacking - the more you often you miss a meeting or progress email, the more severe the daily deduction

  • these points add up for your overall attendance record

  • too few attendance points can affect graduation and/or funding

  • loss of forty percent of attendance points results in failure of the current course

  • forty percent of a one week course is only two classes (eight points)

  • I do not remove points for pre-excused absences

  • I do not remove points for illness-related absences

  • I ask for an email with your absence and the reason stated in writing before or during the class

  • I try to be flexible so please let me know how I can support you

  • I am bound by the rules of the college, as are you

  • attendance is also digitally tracked via your activity on ECampus in accordance with PTIB compliance

  • some lab courses include attendance or participation as part of the academic result as well

  • please do not show up in another course's allotted time to make up your points as this is disruptive

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