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CES feedback and deadline

Okay guys, I'm still editing. There are a couple of common problems I'm seeing which I want to address for you here. In order to give everyone equal time with their feedback, I'm holding off on posting my edits until I can upload everyone's.

Here are some of the issues I'm seeing:

  1. Non-fulfilment of the instructions

    1. requirements were listed clearly in the daily posts:

    2. cover letters should be written based on the guide document

    3. resumes should be up to date

    4. submissions need to be properly and clearly titled

    5. experience should be listed chronologically with the most recent first

    6. submission guidelines must be followed: see Notes on CES

  2. Grammar and mechanics

    1. please refer to the Writing Resources page for assistance

    2. please also refer to the videos at the bottom of the Citations tab which cover useful resources to check your grammar etc without violating academic integrity

  3. Content

    1. your cover letter should include the highlights of your experience and education

    2. you should address the skills required of the position - see this post for more information:

    3. resumes do not need to repeat the information from your cover letter - for instance, those Profile sections - save your sentences for the cover letter

    4. education and experience need to have all the elements shown including date, company/school/organization, qualification type/position name

Please note that some of your work is excellent; however, it would be unfair to provide my completed feedback now as those who need more editing time would, in the end, have the least. I will extend your deadline for finishing your final drafts from Saturday at 9am to Saturday at 4pm to compensate.


The deadline for your final copies of your resume and cover letter has been changed. Everything will now be due Saturday at 4pm.

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