Today's Schedule
5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule/links below
6.15: late writers - exam
6.30-7.30: assignment assistance, drop-in, optional
~8.30: (in regular meeting room) exam 1 recap
9: class dismissed
Answers to progress email questions:
For each assignment, choose only one of the case studies as described on your Courses page.
For assignment one (Word), please select case study one or two. Case study three uses a template and asks for research; I am interested in your ability to manually format documents.
To add dot leaders/tab stops to your Word assignment, please see the Word demo video at timestamp 35 minutes. Then, if you would like hands-on assistance, join the 6.30 drop-in meeting linked above.
If you emailed me asking for feedback on your assignment(s), please join the 6.30 drop-in meeting linked above.
I've had some questions about academic integrity - can you copy+paste? Can you use templates? Must you cite/reference information? Please watch my academic integrity video and let me know if you have further concerns.
If you missed the exam or were granted a postponement, you will be writing your exam tonight at 6.15 - make sure you've watched the Review video.
You may not rewrite your exam unless you failed it on the first attempt (15/25 or below).
We will go over the exam answers together in class later this evening after everyone has completed it.
This Week's Resources
It's up to you how you want to divide this week's materials and complete your assignments. Remember to check the schedule for Reviews etc. Here is everything you need: