Today's Schedule
5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting
5.30: attendance and announcements
6: Excel "IF" demo;
study group, free work time: see ITC daily schedule/links below
6.30-7.30: assignment assistance, drop-in, optional
9: class dismissed
Updates + answers to progress email questions:
I updated the layout of your Course page. Refresh your connection to this site to load the new version. Let me know how you feel about the changes! Hopefully it makes sense to you.
To join the assignment check meeting, please click on the purple "drop-in" link in the schedule above.
Check out the Excel page of this site for more demos including the IF function! I will stay in your study group after attendance to do a live IF demo with you all.
For those of you having difficulty downloading the assignment instructions from ECampus - here you go:
This Week's Resources
It's up to you how you want to divide this week's materials and complete your assignments. Remember to check the schedule for Reviews etc. Here is everything you need: