Today's meetings
8am - 8.30am: grace period; read daily post, watch videos, and generally prepare for day
8.30am - 9am: all students attendance and announcements meeting
~9am - noon: independant and small group learning time: course-specific study group links
Microsoft Excel (MSE)
Microsoft Word (MSW)
9am: ITC quizzes: use the exam room
~10am: ITC midterm exam review
~10.30am: ITC final exam review
~11am - noon: office hour - optional, drop-ins
deadline to request an extension for coursework due Friday – progress email
Answers to progress emails/updates:
ITC re: quizzes: You will not be able to see the quizzes on ECampus until after attendance. Remember, access as follows: ECampus > ITC4 > scroll down > Tests & Exams > Quiz 1 & Quiz 2. You need to complete both. If you want, you may retake the quizzes tomorrow (they can only be attempted once per day). After your quizzes, please join your usual study group and watch the review video for the exam. (week one) (week two)