Deadline to request an extension for coursework due Friday – progress email
ITC re: quizzes: You will not be able to see the quizzes on ECampus until after attendance. Remember, access as follows: ECampus > ITC4 > scroll down > Tests & Exams > Quiz 1 & Quiz 2. You need to complete both. If you want, you may retake the quizzes tomorrow (they can only be attempted once per day). After your quizzes, please join your usual study group and watch the review video for the exam. (week one) (week two)
Course-specific instruction:
Continue with Daily Schedule. Exam review midmorning. Fill in your study guide by watching the Review: B1075R Review.
I have put all the feedback docs + updated docs in the DropBox. Update your resume and cover letter accordingly. If you need help with formatting, see the video demo on the blog. Tomorrow, you will be doing an interview workshop. If you finish up, check out the material on interviews.
Today, you will find two quizzes on ECampus. These have "bonus" questions covering the same material. Each quiz is worth 2.5% of your overall grade. The time limit is 30 minutes each; you may retake the quizzes to get better marks. Take these today in order to facilitate retakes tomorrow (there is a 24-hour wait between attempts).
Tomorrow you will take your exam (25 questions, multiple choice) on ECampus. I will make the exam available after our morning meeting. You are to take it within class hours; the time limit is 90 minutes. You are only allowed one attempt.
We will review for the exam today. To prepare, today you should finish filling out your study guide. Watch the review video (linked in Daily Schedule) before our 10am meeting; in these videos, I go through the study guides and talk about the answers.
If you are in week 2, same drill, but now your assignments are due tomorrow by 4pm. You can upload these to ECampus or email them to me as attachments, but I prefer the former. Please refer to the weekly schedule post to see any adaptations to the schedule to accommodate students in week 1 and 2 if both are present.
Try the assigned tests within Typing Club today to get a sense of your score. You need to write down your best scores in the Test Tracker form, also downloadable from your Courses page. All eight tests are due, via your Test Tracker, tomorrow at 4pm. If you're happy with your scores today, you can submit on time tomorrow. If you are unsatisfied, under requirements, or using Cirrus and need more time to reach the tests, please use today's progress email to request an extension.
Continue with Pearson. Remember you need to submit your filled-in grades tracker on the final day (second week) of your course by 4pm. Remember to send your requests for new tutorials etc. PS. you can take your exams any time! Treat them just like the Graders.
If you emailed me asking for more upload attempts for a particular assignment, I have deleted your unwanted uploads so you can try again. Join me in the office hour meeting if you have any work you'd like me to look over.
Continue to follow the Daily Schedule as you progress through the material. We will meet at 10.30 to discuss topics of your choice and any questions you have. If week 2 students are present this week, come watch the presentations!
OSK week 2
We will meet at 10.30 for presentations and exam review. I suggest you try one or both of the Practice tests and check your marks via the video reviews. Be sure to watch the how-to video for sharing screens before our presentation meeting.
I will join your study group right after attendance for any last minute checks of your slides or references. You will be presenting midmorning.