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OSK daily schedule: clickable version

Updated: Jul 10, 2023

This schedule is adapted from the guideline on ECampus and is based on the 10th edition of the textbook.

Note: this schedule is being updated. TBA items will be added here and discussed in class.

Every day –

On the lab site:

Daily post (“1 Month, Weekday”*)

New posts including instructions, updates, resources, etc

Links for meetings

*Note that Monday’s posts include course outlines, links, etc.

Submit: Progress email including updates, questions, and requests

Day 1 – Monday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Welcome, APA Citations, Research

On the lab site:

Welcome to lab class

“Tour: lab site,” video (optional)

Welcome to OSK

“OSK Study Guide,” docx – complete as you progress through lectures etc

Intro to Administration


Booklet: 4B “Finding Information”

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 0, 4

Day 2 – Tuesday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 10.30am - check-in, alphabetical filing rules

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Information Management, Project Management

On the lab site:

Information Management


Booklet: 11A: Indexing and Filing Names

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 10, 11

Day 3 – Wednesday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Human Relations; Cultural Diversity and International Relations

On the lab site:

The Canadian Office, video + slides

TBA: Lecture video


1B “Difficult Personalities”

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 1, 2

Day 4 – Thursday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 10.30am - check-in

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Management of Work, Time, and Resources; Front-Line Reception

On the lab site:

TBA: Lectures


3B “Correcting Letters”

6B “Inserting Proofreaders’ Marks”

6* “Telephone Services”

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 3, 6

*Note “Front-Line Reception” was previously Chapter 11 in the 9th edition

Suggested: Finalize topic for Presentation

“Example PPT Presentation,” pptx

“Example PPT Presentation 2,” pptx

Day 5 – Friday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Incoming and Outgoing Mail; Business Communications

On the lab site:

TBA: Lectures

“Business Letters,” pdf


9B “Correcting Addresses and Postal Codes” - useful links

9C “Postal Services”

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 9, 14

Day 6 – Monday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

o Easter egg: email me a picture of your pet (childhood/goal pets are welcome) and the subject line “OSK Easter Egg” for a bonus 5% to be applied to your lowest scoring item (assignment booklet, presentation, exam). Remember not to disclose the egg – let your classmates find it organically.

Topics: Travel Arrangements; Meetings, Events, and Conferences

On the lab site:

TBA: Lectures

12A: Preparing an Itinerary

13A: Composing a Notice of Meeting

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 12, 13

*Note this relates to the 9th edition layout: Mail is now chapter 9

Suggested: PowerPoint, Writing resources for Presentation

“Assignment 3 (PowerPoint) demo,” video; demonstrates PowerPoint basics including themes, transitions and animations, sound effects, inserting text, inserting pictures, WordArt, paragraph levels, and running the show continuously.

"How to Avoid Death by PowerPoint," video; TEDx talk by David JP Phillips

Day 7 – Tuesday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 10.30am - assignment check-in, filing rules study guide review

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Office Technology; Web-Based Tools and Security

On the lab site:

Intro to the Internet,” video

"the email video," video

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 7, 8

Day 8 – Wednesday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 10.30am - exam review

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

Topics: Organization Structure and Office Layout; Business Commerce and Record-Keeping; Presentation Prep

On the lab site:

15D “Handling Petty Cash”

On ECampus:

OSK course page:

Textbook Resources: Administrative Procedures for the Canadian Office, 10th Edition

Chapters 5, 15

Suggested: Complete Practice Midterm as a self-assessment; check answers via Review video

Lectures tab:

“OSK Review: ‘Practice Midterm’ (Exam A),” video

Day 9 – Thursday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 10.30am - presentations, exam review

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

o 4pm – deadline to request an extension on the Assignment booklet

On the lab site:

Lectures tab:

Suggested: Complete Practice Final as a self-assessment; check answers via Review video

Lectures tab:

“OSK Review: ‘Practice Final’ (Exam B),” video


  • Presentation slides as .pptx

Day 10 – Friday

o 8.30am – attendance and instruction meeting, all students

o 9am - final exam on ECampus

o 11am – office hour, optional drop-ins

o noon - class ends; send progress email

On the lab site:

Lectures tab:

On ECampus:

OSK4 course page:

Final Exam


  • Assignment booklet

  • Exam pdf forms (3)

If you need assistance submitting, formatting, etc, please reach out via email before the deadline. You may submit via ECampus or via email, but I request that you attach all assignments to one email. If this is not possible, request my DropBox link.

Have I missed a link? Found something broken or out of date? Please let me know via email.

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