Mystery Shopper assignment - 35%
Response journal - 10% (2% each for five 'daily' entries)
Exam - 55%
This is a one-week course. Everything is due on ECampus by Friday at 4pm.
All ECampus resources have been moved to your Courses page including a pdf Textbooklet. The textbook on ECampus, Customer Service: A Practical Approach by Elaine Harris, is more recent and more complete than the pdf. There are review questions in the Textbooklet - these are not for marks, but can be an excellent study tool. To prepare for your exam, complete the study guide ("Practice Exam").
The Mystery Shopper assignment is simple: go to three business (online/over the phone can be acceptable - discuss with me) and interact with a customer service rep. This can be tailored to your program, such as going to a pharmacy. Take notes using the assignment guide, then write up a short summary of your three experiences. Refer to the downloadable Mystery Shopper Assignment Example.
Response journal videos are located here. Using the language and ideas from the course, create connections between concepts. This may be written informally and include your opinions, questions, and refutations. You do not need to agree with all points made. You need to produce a minimum of five entries (click here for example). I recommend you watch the videos in four themed chunks, roughly as per the following:
Intro (Monday)
"What is customer service ? The 7 Essentials To Excellent Customer Service"
"Professionalism in the 21st Century"
Creative Problem-Solving Strategies (Tuesday)
"What consumers want"
"Don't listen to your customers - do this instead"
"Business Analysis Skills - Creative Problem-Solving for 'Uncreative' People"
"Working backwards to solve problems"
"Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits"
Problematizing Professionalism (Wednesday)
"Hidden Costs of Service with a Smile"
"linguistic discrimination and the pitfall of intelligence"
"Resisting the myths of professionalism"
"Professionalism: racism, sexism, classism"
"'Who determines what's professional?' Black hair shouldn't be a topic for debate"
Customer Service and Negative Emotions (Thursday)
"Emotions in the Workplace: What is Professionalism"
"4 types of toxic positivity + how to respond"
"Expressing Anger in the Workplace"
"The myth of bringing your full, authentic self to work"
Monday & Tuesday
Watch: Welcome to B1075R
Intro & Creative Problem-Solving Strategies
Begin: Response journal; Textbooklet + Textbook; Practice Exam
Study group, enrolment-dependant
Watch: Problematizing Professionalism videos
Read: articles
9am: study group + "I don't dream of labour" group activity, enrolment-dependant
Watch: B1075R Review; Customer Service and Negative Emotions videos
Complete: Practice Exam (study guide)
midmorning: Exam review meeting
9am: Exam on ECampus
Complete: Mystery Shopper Assignment due 4pm
Complete: Response journal due 4pm