A vague error, but a common problem, for Windows users is step 15 from the chapter 3 grader in module 10:
Preview the results. Select the first two lines of the address block (Andryne Blake and 3809 Constitution Ave.) and remove all paragraph spacing. Finish the merge process, editing individual documents and merging all records. Press CTRL+A to select all of the merged document and copy the selection. Display Exp19_Word_Ch03_CapAssessment_Smoke, move the insertion point to the end of the document, and insert a page break. Paste all copied text, resulting in a 7-page document.
When there is a mistake, the feedback for this step is nonspecific:
The mail merge operation was not performed correctly.
Usually, the error is part of the merge field "Address Block." On a Mac, you insert each element (street address, city, etc) individually and are thus able to follow the instruction accurately. Windows systems make automatic blocks which unfortunately do not match Pearson's expectations.
Pearson explains the correct layout for the block in step 14:
Begin a mail merge process, creating Letters and selecting Sheet1$ of Patrons.xlsx as the recipient list. Edit the recipient list to sort by Last Name in ascending order. Filter the data source to select only those with a Zip of 49800. Replace [Address Block] on page 1 with the Address Block merge field, accepting the default address block arrangement. Replace [Greeting Line] with the Greeting Line merge field, accepting the default greeting line arrangement.
Note, Mac users, for the Address block, you will need to insert the First_Name field, press SPACEBAR, and insert the Last_Name field. Press ENTER. Insert the Address field. Press ENTER. Insert the City field, type a comma (,), press SPACEBAR, insert the State field, press SPACEBAR, and then insert the Zip field.
For the Greeting line, Mac users will need to type Dear, press SPACEBAR, insert the First_Name field, press SPACEBAR, insert the Last_Name field, and type a comma (,).
To sort and filter the data source, Mac users will need to select Filter Recipient and proceed with instructions.
If we follow the more detailed Mac instructions, our correct address block looks like this:
Andryne Blake
3809 Constitution Ave.
Gibson, NC 49800