All meeting links are available within the Teams calendar and on the Meetings tab of this site. Here's an overview of next week in lab class:
All students
Daily attendance meeting at 8.30am
Daily drop-in office hour meeting at 11am; optional
Daily progress email sent after class
Career and Employment Strategies: 4 students
Monday study group - master ad
Tuesday study group - independent work on cover letter and resume
Wednesday - peer workshop at 10am
Thursday study group - independent and group work editing
Friday - interview workshop at 10am; resume, cover letter, interview notes due 4pm
Intro to Computers: 5 students
Daily study groups from 9am
Wednesday study group at 10am
Thursday Review at 10am; Quizzes on ECampus
Friday - Exam 1 on ECampus
Excel: 6 students
Daily study groups from 9am
Keyboarding: 1 student
If you are not staying in lab next week, please reach out to your new instructor or Student Services.