If you have trouble finding meetings, please bookmark this post for the week. Please note that on-campus days are optional unless you are behind, failing, or repeating your course; you are also expected to join me if you have a shaky attendance record or are on academic probation.
Attendance breakdown
Career and Employment Strategies, week 1/1: 3 students
Introduction to Computers, week 1/2: 30 students
Introduction to Computers, week 2/2: 24 students
MS PowerPoint, week 2/2: 1 student
MS Word, week 1/2: 6 students
MS Word, week 2/2: 3 students
Office Skills, week 1/2: 1 student
Office Skills, week 2/2: 1 student
As you can see, we have a very full class this week. I appreciate your patience and punctuality.