I have an inconveniently scheduled medical appointment in Langley tomorrow morning and will be thus unable to be present for our class time. Apart from obviously missing me dearly, here's how tomorrow will be affected:
Cheryl, retiring Education Coordinator and fellow soft skills instructor, will be covering for me
Cheryl's contact info can be found here
I will do my utmost to respond to progress emails early tomorrow morning (like 6am) but it may not be possible :(
the Wednesday blog post will still go up whether I get to your emails or not, so please read it before the attendance meeting
Cheryl will take your attendance and answer questions in the usual 8.30 meeting, same link
Cheryl will be available until 10am at which point she has another scheduled meeting
you will be expected to use your peer workshop time (10-noon) effectively without supervision
if you need IT assistance, please use the hotline number located on the Contact page
you will still be expected to send me a progress email letting me know how class went which I will address Thursday morning