There are two quizzes, each with ten multiple choice questions for a total of twenty questions: ten about Windows OS and ten about the Office programs (Word, PowerPoint, Excel). The quizzes will be taken on ECampus and will appear at the beginning of tomorrow's class. You have thirty minutes per quiz. Each quiz is worth 2.5% of your overall grade.
Please try to have watched the Windows 10/11 tour, Intro to Office, Intro to Word, and Intro to Excel videos by the end of tomorrow's class to be on track with the modules.
For Friday's exam, you will have ninety minutes (1.5 hours) to complete twenty-five multiple choice questions - see your study guide for details. The exam is worth 30% of your overall grade. After your exam, you may retry the quizzes if you wish; I will use your best result for your final mark.
Tomorrow's schedule will be as follows:
grace period
attendance at 5.30
last-minute quiz questions - come prepared so we don't dilly-dally!
quizzes at 5.45/6 (1 hr maximum)
free study time when you finish: watch the exam 1 review video
exam review at 7
free study time
go home at 9
don't forget to send a progress email!