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24th February, Thursday: evening edition

Updated: Feb 24, 2022

Today's schedule

5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting

5.30: attendance and announcements; quick quiz review

~6: Quizzes 1&2 on ECampus

when finished: complete your study guide by watching the exam 1 review video

7-7.40: Exam 1 Review

7.45: free work time

9pm - end of class - send daily progress email

Progress email answers etc:

  1. You can make embedded videos full screen via the button in the lower right. You can also click "view on YouTube" which will allow you to resize the video etc.

  2. To watch the full ITC playlist on YouTube, click here.

  3. Quizzes and exams are closed-book, meaning you cannot use your study guide during the tests. Sorry!

  4. You will be able to retake the quizzes tomorrow if you wish; I will take your best mark.

  5. The majority of the quiz questions come from the videos "Windows 10/11 Tour" and "Intro to Office." All quiz answers can be found in the pdfs.

  6. Please submit your assignments by uploading them to ECampus. Click here for a demo. The assignments are due next Saturday at 9am.

  7. You can email me from your school account or from your personal account, but please ensure your name is somewhere in the email so I can easily search for your messages.

  8. If you would like feedback on assignments before submission, please join me in one of the scheduled assignment check meetings next week.

Today's Resources

On the lab site:

"ITC Review 1," video - above

"Intro to PowerPoint," video
Archive: “Module 5 (PowerPoint) Talkthrough,” video
“Creating Documents with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016,” PDF
“ITC: Assignment 3 PowerPoint demo,” video

On ECampus: ITC4 course page:

“Assignment 3 (PowerPoint) Instructions,” PDF

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