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23rd February, Wednesday: evening edition

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Today is Pink Shirt Day for anti-bullying awareness.

Today's schedule

5-5.30: grace period; read daily post and prepare for day; join meeting

5.30: attendance and announcements

6: study group, free work time

*complete Quiz Study Guide

7-7.40: Quizzes 1&2 Review

7.45: free work time

9pm - end of class - send daily progress email

Today we will review for tomorrow's quizzes. Find the answers in the videos/pdfs for week 1.

After our quiz review, continue using the chapters (1-5) linked on your Courses page to fill in your week 1 study guide. Use the talkthrough videos to help focus your attention, as the PDF chapters are quite long. When you've found the answers, watch the ITC Review 1 video on the Lectures tab. Tomorrow, we will have a meeting to discuss the exam material during which I will answer any questions you had, so please write down your questions as you progress through the material.

If you haven't yet, download the Assignment instructions from ECampus. Remember you can complete the three assignments in any order. Use the walkthrough demo videos on your Courses page to complete the assignments.

Progress email answers etc:

  1. Quizzes and exams are all multiple choice.

  2. If you have questions etc re: Enriched Academy, please contact Kristina or your Student Services admin.

Today's Resources

On the lab site:

"Intro to Excel," video

Archive: “Module 4 (Excel) Talkthrough,” video

“Creating Documents with Microsoft Excel 2016,” PDF

“ITC: Assignment 2 Excel demo,” video

And/Or “Intro to Computers: Excel ‘Inventory’ demo,” video

**Save PowerPoint for tomorrow!**

“Module 5 (PowerPoint) Talkthrough,” video
“Creating Documents with Microsoft PowerPoint 2016,” PDF
“ITC: Assignment 3 PowerPoint demo,” video

On ECampus: ITC4 course page:

“Assignment 2 (Excel) Instructions,” PDF

“Assignment 3 (PowerPoint) Instructions,” PDF

**The quiz answers for module 5 are all in the Intro to Office video, and I'll make sure you have the answers during the review meeting.

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