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22nd December, Tuesday

Today's meetings

8.30 - morning meeting - all students - general channel

10 - ITC group work - optional - ITC channel

10.30 - OSK - course chat - catch-up presentations - OSK channel

11 - office hour - drop-ins until noon - general channel

Daily instruction: everyone

Remember you are responsible for knowing which course's directions to follow. Please only complete assignments for the course in which you are enrolled.

Sign in on ECampus from 8am to noon (the duration of class) for attendance tracking. Our meeting will be at 8.30am. The link will be posted on this page, Announcements, as it goes live.

Please take a moment this morning to read through yesterday's posts and the FAQ tab of the blog:

Please watch the Tuesday video (on the Lectures tab) and come prepared to the 8.30 meeting with your questions.

If you haven't already, please watch the Welcome video and resource tour videos and read through your welcome documents including Lab Policies and the Daily Schedule. Along with the course-specific "tour" videos on your Courses pages, you will find a generic tour of the site on the Lectures tab, alongside a tour of the Writing Resources. The "tour" videos show you where to find all the resources for your course.

Note that this site is not optimized for mobile use and is intended to be viewed on a desktop or laptop computer. Chrome is the preferred browser.

Be sure to check this week's Teams meeting schedule which I've posted on the Announcements tab.

Finally, some of you failed to send me a progress email yesterday. These are mandatory. Details can be found here:

Daily instruction by course:


Continue to follow the daily schedule document.

If you are in your first week of ITC, you can take your (usually Friday) exam when we return in January if you prefer.

If you are in your second week, tomorrow we will have a review meeting in order to allow you to take your quizzes and exam either tomorrow or Thursday. I have scheduled a 10am meeting in the ITC channel for any of you who wish to work in a group today.

You have the freedom to do your three assignments in any order, so I suggest starting with the program(s) with which you are most familiar (usually Word). I uploaded demos for your Word and PowerPoint assignments yesterday. Remember the instructions are on ECampus while example assignments are available via a button on your Courses page on this site. Note: you only need to complete three documents, not nine. There are three case study options for each assignment; only choose one per assignment.

Progress through the PDFs (on your Courses page) to fill in your study guides, using the study guides to show you where to focus your attention for memorization. On Thursday, I will assign the review video which corresponds with your study guide - either week 1 or week 2 - but you can access these at any time on the Lectures tab. Please note I have a full walkthrough of the Excel assignment (Assignment 2, Case Study 2) on your Courses page, as well as many demos on each of the Courses pages for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.


Continue within Pearson. If you haven't yet, please watch the video "How to check your grades in Pearson" on the Lectures tab. You have multiple attempts for the assignments etc; please send me an email if you want me to increase the tries available.

Download your grades tracker form from your Courses page if you are yet to do so. Remember this is how you will be recording and submitting your final grades. Use the "Comments" section to let me know if there are any assignments you want me to manually grade.

MSW only: Start Pearson at Module 2. Refer to your grades tracker and do not complete Module 13 or Final Exam 2.


Continue with the booklet, study guides, and presentation. Everything is downloadable from your Courses page. There are also PowerPoint resources on its Courses page. Please let me know about any out-of-date activities in your assignment booklet. Consider if there is any material for which you would like me to film short lectures. I will be filming lectures for OSK over the holiday.

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