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16 September, Wednesday

Good morning!

Wednesday, 9th Sept

8.30am - morning meeting - all students

10am - ITC peer study group - breakout room

11am - CES peer workshop - breakout room

11am - office hour - main room - drop ins until noon


Midweek is a good time to check your schedules (and the Monday post) to confirm if your course lasts one or two weeks. As per the Lab Policies document, all of your assignments are due the final Friday of your course at 4pm. Refer to the Policies document and the welcome video for my policies regarding late submissions, extensions, and academic integrity. I have resources for writing, citing, etc which do not violate integrity - these are linked at the bottom of the Citations tab.

If you are experiencing any issues with accounts, software, etc, please let me know with screenshots. See this post if you need further instruction:

Please watch the Wednesday video and come prepared with your questions to the morning meeting at 8.30.

I strongly encourage you to connect with your classmates, be it those in your program cohort or simply in your course this week. If you request membership to this site, you can use the Forums for this purpose. Otherwise I suggest exchanging emails or handles for whichever apps you like - Whatsapp is popular for study groups, as are Facebook Groups.

Course-specific instructions:

CES - today is the peer workshop. Make sure you email your master ad, cover letter, and resume before the 11am meeting. You need to connect with your peers today.

Your job today is to read your peers' work and provide thoughtful feedback. Compare the resume and cover letter to the master ad. Is there anything important missing? Is it easy to read and understand? Are the experiences listed appropriate for the field?

Watch the various videos on resumes and cover letters on the lab site; you can apply these tips to your edits. All the resources on your Courses page are clearly labeled.

In the DropBox, check out the document "resume example 1" which has the green text box at the bottom. The comments in the green text box are examples of pros, cons, and suggestions. Use this as a guide for the type of feedback you are to provide for your classmates. Write out your feedback in a separate document and email it to me by the end of class. You should have comments prepared for 11am.

At 11am, join me on Zoom. I'll put you in a breakout room to discuss your work with each other. I will give you my feedback as well.

To recap: email your master ad, cover letter, and resume if you haven't yet. Read through your peers' work and write down your feedback. After the workshop, email your written feedback for your peers. See the "Notes on CES" video and document for submission guidelines.

ITC week 1 - continue using the chapters (1-5) linked on your Courses page to fill in your week 1 study guide. Use the new talkthrough videos to help focus your attention, as the chapters are quite long.

At 10, I am going to put you all in a breakout room so you can check each other's work. When you've found the answers, watch the ITC Review 1 video on the Lectures tab. Towards the end of tomorrow's class, we will have a meeting to discuss the material during which I will answer any questions you had, so please write down your questions as you progress through the material.

If you haven't yet, download the Assignment instructions from ECampus. Remember you can complete the three assignments in any order. Use the walkthrough demo video on your Courses page to complete the Excel assignment.

ITC week 2 - continue with study guide 2 and your assignments.

KBD - continue with Paradigm if that's working for you; continue in Typing Club.

MSE, MSW, MSP - continue with Pearson. If you are having trouble accessing Pearson, please send me a screenshot.

OSK week 1 - continue with your assignment booklet, downloadable from your Courses page. Remember there is a video on the Lectures tab which gives an overview of the expectations from the booklet. These are in-class exercises, and do not need to be as perfect as a project for which you are given more time. I suggest you begin filling in your study guides (downloadable from your Courses page, labeled "Practice Midterm" and "Practice Final." As you progress through the material, make notes of any questions or confusion. You can send these queries as emails, chat with me during office hours, and/or wait as we will discuss everything the Thursday before your exam.

OSK week 2 - if you are presenting tomorrow, use today to finish your slides and practice. If you haven't already, check out some of the resources on the PowerPoint Courses page - particularly, there's a video called "How to avoid death by PowerPoint" which I strongly suggest. Remember the grading rubric is on your Courses page to download. If you have already presented, focus on the study guides for Friday's exam. To fill them in, read through the PPT files on the OSK Courses page. If you need more information on a subject, refer to your textbook (upper right corner of your Course page on ECampus). Today and tomorrow, use the Review videos on the Lectures tab - in these, I go through the study guides and the answers. Remember you take the exam in your second week of OSK. It's your choice whether you present in your first or second week, but typically students choose the penultimate day of class.

See you at 8.30.

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