meeting links: 4th-8th March
Subject to change. Note that the daily posts are the most up-to-date information. If you have trouble finding meetings, please bookmark...
meeting links: 4th-8th March
February 28th, Wednesday
27th February, Tuesday
meeting links: 26th February - 1st March
meeting links: 19th-23rd February
approved extensions 02-16
ECampus scheduled outage for upgrades
meeting links: 12th-16th February
ECampus scheduled upgrades
answers to progress email questions :) 02-07
LockDown Browser extension for Chromebooks
KBD study guide
access to Pearson ebooks
meeting links: 5th-9th February
approved extensions 02-02
meeting links: 29th January - 2nd February
meeting links: 22nd-26th January
KBD 4-day schedule
meeting links: 15th-19th January
meeting links: 8th-12th January