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weekend updates

For links, please see earlier posts from this week.

  1. I will be spending my weekend marking and entering grades. If you have a missing mark on ECampus, let me know via email and I will add you to my priority list.

  2. Next week we have another big class (55!). Please bear with me as I attempt to make time for each of you.

  3. Class on Christmas Eve is optional/exams only.

  4. Remember if your assignments would normally be due next Friday, they are instead due Wednesday 6th January so you can relax over the holiday - it's the only week of the year that the college truly closes, so I intend to rest and so should you!

  5. Emailing me daily is really important. I read through the messages in the morning before work, so when there are this many of you I may not see your email before class. Please take responsibility for your own attendance and learning. I am here to support you, but I cannot do that without communication. Let me know what you're experiencing so we can work as a team. I promise I am on your side, and am committed to representing you to admin.

  6. Unfortunately I have no control over schedules, transcripts, ECampus, the curriculum, class sizes, Zoom vs Teams, or any other administrative concern. Please direct concerns and queries to the appropriate staff members; I have no power. :( Remember your primary go-to contact for any and all inquiries is Naira in Student Services:

  7. Thanks for hanging out this week! Big thanks especially to those of you who went above and beyond helping other students adapt to Teams. You are seen and valued.

  8. If you finished your course today, please give me feedback. I use your ideas to improve the courses I run. I also forward your responses periodically to admin. There is a Feedback tab on this site which goes directly to me. To send your thoughts directly to admin, each course has a survey on ECampus on the last day. The college is also running its semiannual student satisfaction survey on its website.

  9. If you asked for an extension this week, your assignments are due Monday at 4pm. If you need further accommodation, please email me Monday morning.

  10. Enjoy the weekend :)

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