My connection
Not sure what's up, but I will be running some diagnostics and transferring files to my external memory in hopes of solving the problem. I will also be in contact with IT if I cannot resolve it on my own. For now, please send me chat messages on Teams or email me. I am optimistic that I will be able to run drop-in office hour as usual at 11am (the link is in the daily post or on the Meetings page).
Excel: using F4 to make a reference absolute
If F4 does not automatically add the $ to your reference, look on your keyboard for a Function button. It should read "fn." Hold this down while you press F4, just like using Shift or Alt.
Pearson: redoing assignments
You should have 5 upload attempts for Grader Assignments, 3 for Grader Assessments, and unlimited for all Simulation activities (which are not for marks, remember!). If this is not reflected on your account, let me know so I can update it.
To check your marks breakdown, click on the three vertically aligned dots next to the activity and select "View Submissions." Then, select the file for which you want to view the grades. Next, click "filter incorrect only" and expand the red sections by clicking the V. For a video demo, please go to the Lectures tab of this site and scroll all the way down.
Tomorrow's extra meetings
9.30 - Pearson check-ins, questions
10 - ITC assignment questions, discussion of last week's exam + quizzes
Links will be provided in the daily post.
Progress emails
Don't forget to send me a daily update! It doesn't need to be fancy or lengthy. Just let me know how you're feeling about the course, if you have questions or suggestions or requests, and press send. Remember you can check the FAQs for a detailed post about progress emails.