I have uploaded all the submitted files to the DropBox. If you can't see your work, please email it to me again as an attachment with the subject line "CES submission." Tomorrow, you will be editing your classmates' work. Please ensure you have submitted your drafts before tomorrow's class begins as you need to spend tomorrow's time on the workshop.
We don't yet have the necessary textbooks (they come with access codes) for the new Cirrus program. Paradigm is the older version of Cirrus. If you have a Windows computer and would like to use Paradigm, please let me know and I can request an access code for the digital version of the previous textbook.
In the meantime, please use Typing Club.
KBD is eligible for rolling extensions until your practicum. Please let me know your practicum start date if you request the extension.
If you are in your second week, I have posted your current marks from Pearson into ECampus for your reference.
Let me know what you'd like me to focus on for tomorrow's demos.
Remember, simulations are like lectures - assigned, but noncontributing to your final mark.
If you are having account or device issues, I will run a Zoom meeting tomorrow morning right after attendance to try and solve whatever's going on (the link will be in the daily post). Please send me screenshots or videos of the problem. Please also let me know which operating system you're running.