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scheduled Pearson maintenance

Writer: Caitlin BairdCaitlin Baird

From IT:

XL-based MyLab®s (Math, business, English, health science, and careers & nursing): You and your students will be unable to access your XL-based courses for the entire maintenance window.

  • This impacts all courses, including those integrated with a learning management system like Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by D2L, and Moodle.

  • This impacts XL-based courses accessed through MyLabsPlus.

  • This also impacts MathXL for K-12 and MathXL for international instructors.

  • When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you'll see a splash page letting you know about the maintenance work.

  • Course registration will not be impacted.

Mastering® (Astronomy, Geology, Geography, Genetics, Microbiology, Biology, A&P, Chemistry disciplines only): You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window.

  • This impacts all courses, including those integrated with a learning management system like Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by D2L, and Moodle.

  • When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you'll see an error message.

  • Content downloaded to the mobile app before the maintenance start will be available.

  • Course registration will not be impacted.

Search capability in Mastering, eText, Collections, Learning Catalytics, and Pearson Writer: You and your students will be unable to search course content for the entire maintenance window.

  • Course content will be available; however, when you try to search, no results will be returned.

  • You won't see an error message and will see no returned results.

Revel® and Enhanced Revel: You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window. 

  • Course registration will be impacted.

  • This impacts all courses, including those integrated with a learning management system like Blackboard, Canvas, Brightspace by D2L, and Moodle.

  • When you and your students attempt to access your courses, you'll see a splash page letting you know about the maintenance work.

  • Content downloaded to the mobile app before the maintenance start will be available.

MyLab IT and MyLab MIS: You and your students will be unable to access Grader and SIM (for MyLab IT only) assignments throughout the entire maintenance window.

MyEnglishLab and Pearson English Portal: You and your students will be unable to access your courses for the entire maintenance window.

Our Pearson System Status webpage has product impact details on the "Planned Maintenance" tab. We’ll post messages 72 hours prior to the event on the product sign-on pages and @PearsonSupport on Twitter.

August 7, 2021, time zone information:

PT Start: Friday, August 6, 10:00 p.m.

PT End: Saturday, August 7, 6:00 a.m.

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