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overview for CES: Monday

  1. Access the various welcome and instructional documents/videos as listed in the morning post and shown during our meeting. The most integral for today are:

    1. Welcome Information for Online Learning - document - The Lab

    2. Lab Policies - document - The Lab

    3. Welcome to the lab! - video - Lectures

    4. Tour: the lab site - video - Lectures

    5. Tour: CES resources - video - Courses > CES

    6. CES daily assignments - video - Courses > CES

    7. Notes on CES - video - Courses > CES

    8. Notes on CES - document - DropBox

    9. Master ad (example and guide) - document - DropBox

    10. previous students' master ads, if desired - documents - DropBox

  2. Create your master ad (you may work in small groups); submit via email at the end of class

  3. Send your progress email at the end of class, including:

    1. any questions about the course

    2. any problems you had completing the exercise

    3. how you spent your class hours

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