NEW: online, drop-in Practicum Seminars via Abbotsford
NB: If your home campus is not Abbotsford, you have a different Practicum Coordinator. Some larger programs may have their own Coordinators. If you are unsure, please reach out to your campus's Student Services.
Surrey: Sheeba Ninan
the last Tuesday of every month at 2:00pm
the next one will be Aug 30 at 2pm
These seminars will be drop-in for any students who need to touch base regarding their practicum research assignments, what to expect during practicum, suggestions on tweaking resumes for hosts that require them, etc.
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 228 541 072 366 Passcode: hmcZGT Download Teams | Join on the web
These sessions are held by Abbotsford's Practicum and Career Services Coordinator, Shelley.