Subject to change. Based on enrolment. Times will be given in the daily posts. The morning meeting is always at 8.30am. You are responsible for attending all meetings for your course, and for watching/reading all associated material before the meeting. Please email me for appointments after noon.
Please read the welcome documents and lab policies for more details regarding attendance and the Zoom links.
Monday, 7th
8.30 - morning meeting - all students
office hour - drop-ins until noon
4pm – deadline for extensions granted last week
Tuesday, 8th
8.30 - morning meeting - all students
OSK alphabetical filing rules lecture Q&A*
Pearson week 2 assignment live checks**
office hour - drop-ins until noon
*please watch lecture(s) first
**email your drafts to be included
Wednesday, 9th
8.30am - morning meeting - all students
CES peer workshop***
all courses peer study groups - breakout rooms
office hour - drop ins until noon
***read your classmates’ resumes and cover letters first
Thursday, 10th
8.30am - morning meeting - all students
OSK presentations as needed
ITC weeks 1 and 2 Review****
ITC bonus quizzes****
office hour - drop ins until noon
****fill in your study guide and watch the Review video first please
*****on ECampus
deadline to request an extension for coursework due Friday – progress email
Friday, 11th
8.30 - morning meeting - all students
ITC exams*****
CES interview workshop
ITC assignment live checks**
Pearson assignment live checks**
office hour - drop ins until noon
*****on ECampus
**email your drafts to be included
4pm – deadline for all coursework if final day of course