Subject to change. Times will be given in the morning post. You are responsible for attending all meetings for your course unless otherwise specified. All meetings are during class hours. I also take Zoom appointments via email. Please note I do not give my phone number to students.
8.30 - morning meeting - all students
office hour - drop-ins until noon
8.30 - morning meeting - all students
SSS citation lecture discussion - watch all three Citation lectures first
office hour - drop-ins until noon
8.30am - morning meeting - all students
ITC study group
B1075R study group
MSW homework group
office hour - drop ins until noon
8.30am - morning meeting - all students
CES feedback
ITC Review - fill in your study guide and watch the Review video first please
B1075R Review - fill in your study guide and watch the Review video first please
office hour - drop ins until noon
8.30 - morning meeting - all students
SSS citation assignment live checks - email your drafts to be included
office hour - drop ins until noon