I hope you are feeling confident with your study guide after watching the review video (located on the Lectures tab!).
Unfortunately, if you missed the meeting you've missed the talkthrough about the quiz questions, so best of luck with those. The quizzes are available now on ECampus. Please take them today or I will deactivate them after class. If you do take the quizzes today you may retake them tomorrow for an improved mark if you wish. Both quizzes are worth 2.5% each (5% cumulatively) of your final grade for the course.
Tomorrow, your exam will also be on ECampus. It will be multiple choice like the quizzes.
Please note that I invite absent students directly to the mandatory meetings within Teams; however, if you are signed in as a Guest or External, I cannot call you. I can only call and invite Teams members. If you are still unsure how to become a Teams member, please refer to the handouts on the tab of this site called The Lab.