If you joined your study group, I can see that record in Teams and you will receive full points for today. If you were alone in your meeting, I'm sorry. You did the right thing and were in the right place.
If you did not join your study group, I will be deducting attendance points from today's entry. If you failed to communicate with me about missing today's class, you will receive a zero for today AND an hour deduction from yesterday's class to signify your absence from the mandatory group time. Your classmates rely on you to participate in the study groups.
Remember, for full attendance points you must:
attend the 8.30 meeting and answer during roll call (4 points)
attend any other meetings marked mandatory for your course, such as review or study group (-1 point for each missed meeting)
email me at the end of each day to let me know how you're progressing in the course (-1 point for each missed email after consecutive failure to submit)
login to ECampus for the duration of class hours (this is to provide a digital backup for PTIB compliance)