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how to submit your assignments

Updated: Nov 21, 2022

Depending on your course, there are different submission methods. Find your course below.

CES: Submit your edited cover letter and resume as email attachments (.doc or .docx). CC your practicum coordinator (for Surrey, that's Sheeba.Ninan@Career.College) so she can use your documents when looking for your practicum placements.

ITC: Upload your assignments in their original file types to ECampus. You may email me copies as a backup. Please send files as attachments rather than links. For a demo showing how to upload to ECampus, click here.

KBD: Record your test results in the Grades Tracker. Submit the Tracker as an email attachment. Digital signature is fine.

MSE: Record your Pearson results in the Grades Tracker; submit this via email attachment. Digital signature is fine. The Comments section is for anything you need me to consider during marking.

MSW: Record your Pearson results in the Grades Tracker; submit this via email attachment. Digital signature is fine. The Comments section is for anything you need me to consider during marking.

MSP: Record your Pearson results in the Grades Tracker; submit this via email attachment. Digital signature is fine. The Comments section is for anything you need me to consider during marking.

OSK: Email your assignment package in as few document attachments as possible. Also, attach your PowerPoint file from your presentation. Finally, email me the filled-in pdfs from the exam.

PSK: Email your presentation as an attachment; I only need one copy per group. Email your response and your pro profile/bio as attachments.

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