Today is 22/2/22!
I have updated the settings so you should have 5 upload attempts for the Grader Assignments and 3 for the Grader Exams - and unlimited for everything else. Only the Graders (activities with the clipboard and pencil icon) contribute to your final grade. There will be 18 activities - 6 each for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
If you have any lingering questions about how to take or record the results from your tests, please reach out. The video embedded on the Course page "how to take+submit alt tests" should show you what we went over together if you want to watch another demo. The document "Keyboarding without Paradigm" lists which tests to complete for Friday at 4pm. PS. You don't have to do any resumes for me!!
Check this blog for the presentation rubric. Let me know if you need anything including help locating resources, citing, formatting in PowerPoint...
Please join me in office hour to work on assignments! :)