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fundraiser for baby Rennah's new heart

From the college:

"It has come to our attention that a family from our student community has been hit with a very hard situation. Earlier this year, our student Aeisha Siak and her partner Jonathan welcomed their younger daughter Rennah into the world. However sweet baby Rennah was born with a heart defect that has meant immediate hardship for her and the whole family. Born with mitral regurgitation, restrictive cardiomyopathy and a genetic defect, it caused her to go from being a happy, healthy baby to struggling for each breath at BC Children’s Hospital within 1 day. While the hospital frantically works to save Rennah’s life with a heart transplant, the family have had to put their life on hold as well. This is a point in time when they need their community the most.

It has been heartwarming to see our VaCC student community rallying around the family and doing their best to help baby Rennah. The students of VaCC Abbotsford immediately donated the funds raised by bottle drives to Rennah’s family. They are also holding a big fundraiser on Sep 25th in order to raise as much as they can. We are sharing this with you because we know there are many more who care and will want to help this family. Campus-Support is also matching all funds raised within our community.

So please go to to make a contribution - big or small. Please make sure to add “VaCC” to your name as you donate, even if you wish to be anonymous, as it will be easier to track all your donations in order to match them."

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