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FAQ - what to do next week

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

What class am I taking next week?

Check your schedules - if you don't have a copy, email Student Services. You can also check your ECampus on the left-hand side of the home page under All My Courses.

Are you my instructor next week?

If you are enrolled in the following courses, I will be your instructor, so you can check back here Monday morning as usual.

ITC - Introduction to Computers

OSK - Office Skills

SSS - Student Success Strategies

BC-PRD - Academic Success Strategies

CES - Career and Employment Strategies

MSW - Microsoft Word

MSP - Microsoft PowerPoint

MSE - Microsoft Excel

B1075R - Customer Relations and Interpersonal Skills

KBD - Keyboarding

When do I get my grades and what do they mean?

Your marks will show up on ECampus within about two weeks of their due date. You will either receive a letter grade or one of the following codes:

IP = In Progress = Marks have not been submitted and/or confirmed.

P = Passed = You completed a pass/fail course.

F = Failed

I = Incomplete

Is there a lab schedule for next week?

Weekly schedules are posted here. The standard all-course schedule is available here.

What if I need more time to finish my work??

If you won't make the Friday deadline, request an extension in your Thursday progress email. For details of my late and extension policies, check Policies.

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