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email security update: ongoing phishing emails

From IT:

"IT Communication Bulletin #04032022-1 – SECURITY ALERT Phishing Email Cyber-Security Awareness

This bulletin contains important cyber-security alert information.

Please be on alert for malicious emails that may have been sent to your company mailbox.

These emails have been sent from (or appears to be sent from) staff and student mailboxes, as well as external emails.

Some phishing emails may be masquerading as alerts, job offers, or even contain spoofed email warning header alerts.

Please note that the emails are illegitimate and all information inside them should be disregarded.

Immediately delete emails you suspect to be malicious from your mailbox and do not click on any links inside such emails.

IT is currently working with the email security vendor to address these issues."

*To see picture examples of the malicious emails, click here and here

*Check out my archived tech/security updates

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