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ECampus grades glitch + assignment submission

1. I've been informed this morning that the student version of ECampus has a glitch at the moment which hides your grade results. If this is happening to you, hold tight. I'll update you when I know more. Tomorrow I'll be on campus entering as many grades as I can to try and ensure you all have your final marks as soon as possible. I will do my best to scan my written feedback for presentations etc, but the paperwork will be stored in my classroom (202) so you will be able to request the hard copies.

2. Reminder: next week I am not teaching. I'm taking a "holiday" to close all the courses from the summer term so we can start fresh as daisies in September.

Make sure your grades have been submitted to me as email attachments, not share links, and that your files are clearly labeled. My preferences for file type are the Microsoft Suite (.docx, .pptx, xlsx), jpgs, and pdfs. My preference for file names is "Lastname, Firstname assignmentname.extension" as in "Baird, Caitlin blog post.html" (note: please don't ever send me web links like htmls).

If your assignments are submitted incorrectly, they may not be marked at all. This is partially due to my lab policies, but mostly due to the fact that disregarding my submission guidelines often means I cannot locate your files. Read the Lab Policies and FAQs. Reach out if you are unsure.

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