Subject to change. Based on enrolment. You are responsible for attending all meetings for your course, and for watching/reading all associated material before the meeting. Please email me for appointments outside of scheduled meetings.
Monday, 21st December, Winter Solstice
8.30 - attendance meeting - all students - general channel
11am - office hour - drop-ins until noon - general channel
4pm – deadline for extensions granted last week
Tuesday, 22nd December
8.30 - attendance meeting - all students - general channel
10.30 - OSK presentations (scheduled as: alphabetical filing rules lecture Q&A) - OSK channel
office hour - drop-ins until noon - general channel
Wednesday, 23rd December
8.30am - attendance meeting - all students
10am - ITC week 2 study group + review Q&A - ITC channel****
ITC bonus quizzes****
ITC exam (optional)*****
office hour - drop ins until noon
****fill in your study guide and watch the Review video first please
Thursday, 24th December, Christmas Eve
9am-11am - drop-ins - optional
ITC exams (if not taken Wednesday)*****
*****on ECampus
Friday, 25th December, Christmas Day
College closed, no classes
Monday, 4th January
Welcome back!
8.30 - attendance meeting - all students - general channel
11am - office hour - drop-ins until noon - general channel
4pm – deadline to request further accommodation for any/all assignments due 6th January
Wednesday, 6th January
4pm - deadline for any/all assignments which would usually have been due 25th December