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10 September, Thursday

Good morning, everyone!

Please watch the Thursday video and look at your Daily Schedule. If you need an extension for anything due Friday (tomorrow), you need to request it today via email. See the Lab Policies document.

Today's meetings

8.30am - morning meeting - all students

@ end of morning meeting - OSK presentation

10.30am - ITC Review for week 1 - fill in your study guide and watch the Review video first please

11am - ITC Review for week 2 - fill in your study guide and watch the Review video first please

11:30am - office hour - drop ins until noon

Course-specific instruction:

SSS - it's your choice how you focus your time today, on the citation assignment or on the Enriched Academy videos. Remember to please send your citation drafts before class tomorrow so we can go over them as a group.

CES - my feedback for you will be in the DropBox by 10am; edit your resume and cover letter based on the feedback. Send me your "final" copies to be checked. If you wish to prepare for tomorrow, check out the resources for interviews.

ITC - tomorrow you will take your exam (25 questions, multiple choice) and your "bonus" quizzes (10 questions each, multiple choice) on ECampus. I will make the exam available after our morning meeting. You are to take it within class hours; the time limit is 90 minutes. You are only allowed one attempt.

In addition, you will find two quizzes on ECampus. These have bonus questions covering the same material. Each quiz is worth 2.5% of your overall grade. The time limit is 30 minutes each; you may retake the quizzes to get better marks.

To prepare, today you should finish filling out your study guide. For the first exam, you want to use the first 5 chapters linked on your Courses page and the first study guide. The second exam covers modules 6 through 9. Before 10.30 (week 1) or 11 (week 2), watch the prerecorded review video on the Lectures tab; in these videos, I go through the study guides and talk about the answers. Make notes of your questions and join me on Zoom to discuss.

If you are in week 2, your assignments are due tomorrow by 4pm. You can upload these to ECampus or email them to me as attachments.

OSK week 1 - continue working on your booklet, preparing your presentation, and filling in your study guides. Stay at the end of the morning meeting to watch any week 2 presentations.

OSK week 2 - today you will be presenting at the end of the morning meeting. Afterwards, please watch the Review videos and complete your study guides to prepare for tomorrow's exam. At the end of tomorrow's morning meeting, we will have some time to discuss the material so write down your questions.

MSW, MSE, MSP - continue with Pearson. Remember you need to submit your filled-in grades tracker on the final day of your course by 4pm. Video demos will be uploaded later today.

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